
When Is The Right Time To Hire A SEO Company For Your Startup?

Did someone just suggest to you that you should start looking for an Austin SEO Company? Before, when you were involved in setting up your startup, you didn’t have the time or the money to do so. Now that the business is on its feet, should you be hiring an SEO firm? How can you tell you if it is the right time to do that or not?

Aside from the most obvious reasons for hiring an SEO company, i.e., ranking high on Google for the right keywords or driving more traffic to your website, certain other factors can help you make this decision. Start by asking the following questions and then look for the answers to them before you take any steps:

Q. Do you know how SEO works? Will you be able to keep up with the SEO agency?

  1. The worst time to hire the services of an SEO agency is when you haven’t a clue as to how SEO works! Even if you end up with the best the field has to offer, there will be many hitches. Having never done it yourself, it is unlikely that you’d even know the basics of SEO. When you seek outside assistance for your SEO issues, you will have to take the SEO agency at its word. You wouldn’t know if the techniques they will be applying are even suitable for your business or not. Think of the money you’d be wasting while living in fear of being ripped off!

Good leaders always take out time to understand the various components of running a business successfully. You must have done the same thing when it came to sales, operations, and marketing. Well SEO is marketing, which means it is your responsibility to work to gain a working knowledge of it.

Think about how much you will be able to help your embryonic business grow with such knowledge in your hands! You’d be able to discuss the metrics that matter to your success with the SEO agency you hire and then make the right choices.

Q. Do you think you can do your own SEO? Do you know where your keywords in the search results can be found?

  1. Blogging or posting on social media can direct some traffic to your blog. Consequently, your blog can show up on the search engine listings. If this takes place within three months, consider it a job well done. However, you need your business to remain in the news for much longer… at least for around six months. That is where expert SEO marketing can help. It would be the only way that you can ensure your business’s target keywords end up on Google’s first page.

Want to do it yourself? Think you could do it better? Okay, but do you know how to keep track of those keywords? If you don’t, then your business will benefit from engaging an SEO company’s services. Using a tracking system, a capable company will monitor and track the location of your target keywords. Periodic reviews of the selected keywords will also ensure that they remain relevant to the potential customers searching for your products or services on the internet.

Q. Can you wait for the time it would take SEO to produce results?

  1. Expertly done SEO will always produce results. However, don’t think of it as a magic wand that can solve all your problems with just a wave! Long-term SEO success is possible only if search engines see your company website displaying consistent SEO work. This brings us to the point: you do your own SEO. It is likely that you have various other responsibilities on your shoulders. Would you be able to pull them all off while ensuring the SEO consistency on the company website is maintained as well?

Don’t risk your chances of ranking improvement. Instead, hire an SEO company to do what they specialize in. You will reap the results six to nine months later. A capable SEO firm can make your company a part of the first-page results. This will increase both your company’s visibility and the number of calls you receive, boosting sales.

Although, it wouldn’t be enough to land on the first page. You’d need to stay there. Now imagine while taking care of other things, you keep pushing off doing SEO further and further down the list. This is happening while your competitors are still working on their SEO consistently. Even if you decide to hire an SEO firm at that point, you’d have to wait 6-9 months for them to work their magic. The takeaway here is that place your trust in a good SEO firm at the right time for best results. As you can imagine, timing is very important when hiring one!

Q. Would you be able to commit to a budget to SEO now? Can your business sustain this expense in the long run?

A. As discussed before, it can take SEO between 6-9 months or more to produce the right results. That is the case when the SEO agency of your choice is doing everything correctly. They must also be applying only white hat SEO techniques to get those results. Given that you will have to wait for at least half a year to see any quantitative results, your business must be able to support the expenses in that interim. SEO isn’t a fad, which means you can’t just stop doing it. Is your startup in a position to continue paying the bills of the SEO company? If it is, then it is the right time for you!

With all the blood and sweat – and tears – you probably have put into getting your startup to stand on its feet, you can’t afford to drop the ball on this important issue! Choose the SEO company that is right for your business and shows dedication to its success. But remember, due diligence and learning more about their services and SEO, in general, are essential too!

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