
5 Best Outdoor Sports For Weight Loss

Indoor training is great for creating a routine, the kind you need if you are determined to lose some weight. However, in order to increase motivation to train, you might want to try out the chosen few outdoor sports we have selected for you. Being outside in the fresh air and possibly having a pal along for the ride will make your workouts not only more endurable but a treat as well.


Shooting some hoops and running around the basketball court is an easy and fun way to get your heart rate up and lose some pounds. Play a game for at least half an hour or if you can’t get someone to play with, practice your shots and dribbling. Maybe you can even make some new basketball buddies at the court. Before every practice make sure you warm up by jogging around the court and stretching a bit.


Hiking is great for weight loss because of its dual nature. It is ‘hard’ enough to show results, but also ‘easy’ enough to stick to and make it a part of your routine. Hiking is more adventurous than walking and it will be a stimulative way to work on losing the extra weight. You can explore the local flora and fauna, and even travel further away to discover new tracks over weekends or while on vacation.

The equipment is as simple as it gets: good, comfortable shoes, weather appropriate clothes, a small backpack with some water, perhaps a sandwich and you can be on your way. Hiking can be a great social activity, so consider inviting some friends or joining a local hiking club.


Forget about rollerblading as a kids’ game and try a fun sport which is great for weight loss. It will sculpt your leg muscles and make your weight loss journey an easier one. Apart from being more fun, it is also an activity which produces less pressure on your joints than running or jogging.

You can go out rollerblading by yourself and cover longer distances or take shorter routes and speed away. It is a perfect sport to do in the city and also a great way to relieve stress and hang out with friends outside.


Cycling is another great way to work on your weight loss outdoors. Depending on your goals and lifestyle, you can opt for mountain biking and elevate your heart rate by riding on rough terrain or take longer moderate rides. You should visit an online store for bikes to explore available bike options.

Furthermore, cycling doesn’t have to be an exercise separate from your everyday life, actually, it could be a part of your everyday commute to work.


Swimming may be one of the best choices of exercise if you aim at losing some weight. Being in water makes your body work more to receive enough oxygen, but simultaneously, swimming is less stressful for your muscles and joints.

5 Best Outdoor Sports For Weight Loss

You can change between different strokes for the diversity of exercise but also break the monotony. Remember that lane swimming isn’t the only kind of exercise you can do in water, there are also water aerobics, scuba diving and snorkelling to consider.

All in all, find an activity that makes you work hard but also makes you want to come back for more. No matter which one you choose you cannot fail, as all are great for losing the extra layers and will provide you with the will to stick to your plans.

Each of the listed sports activities has a little something that might appeal to you personally. Is it exploring nature by hiking or biking? Or perhaps spending quality time with your friends and family rollerblading or playing basketball? Or better yet, you might want to shut out the rest of the world for a few minutes and focus on your breathing while swimming? Find the one that will make your weight loss process more enjoyable.

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