Your Guide to After Prom

Your Guide to After Prom

During your prom night you will experience so many emotions, it will be a fun and energy consuming event, from picking your prom dress, getting ready, taking pictures, and enjoying the night with classmates. The end of your prom party does not always mean the fun stops there, we are excited to bring you our guide to after prom.

What to do

There will be a lot going on after your prom event ends, we advise planning what you would like to do before the event, so you can ensure it all goes swimmingly. There most likely will be a themed school function, or you may organize something between you and a few friends, a relaxed get-together somewhere for example. The school will typically choose a different theme to your main prom event, and should host lots of games and activities. If you would prefer organizing something with your small friendship group, how about bowling, or a bonfire, or even camping in the outdoors. Prefer lower key? Why not head over to a friend’s house to watch movies and gossip about the night. Deciding which one you would like to do means you know what to take and can just enjoy the moment.

If you would prefer organizing something with your small friendship group, how about bowling, or a bonfire, or even camping in the outdoors. Prefer lower key? Why not head over to a friend’s house to watch movies and gossip about the night.

What to wear

Most prom events host an after party, so choosing an after-party dress is almost as fun as the prom dress itself. Prom dresses 2019 tend to be glam and extravagant, therefore, for the after event, we recommend a more comfortable dress, with your hair and make up still done, you can still look glam even when ditching the formal gown and heels. Even a stylish top with your fav pants would work. More often than not, the school’s after events will have a theme which you can follow the dress code of, this would take the decision making largely out of it. If you decide to stay in with friends or opt for a more casual scenario, then a hip tee and leggings would be ideal.  Jessica, a designer at JJ’s House recommends ‘planning in advance and bringing a change of clothes to your prom, so its stress free after the event.’ We totally agree.

What to pack

Your outfit is only some of the battle. Once that is sorted, its time to sort out the other fundamentals. First things first, a comfortable pair of shoes is a must, you are likely to have spent most of the evening in heels, and will be longing for some flats and comfort. Second, you will have taken so many pictures and videos that its very likely your phone will be low on battery, so packing a charger is a smart move, both to take more snaps of the evening and to keep in contact with family and friends. We also recommend make up remover, socks, hair die, and deodorant, just in case.

Now you’re all set for during and after prom, we hope you enjoy it.


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