Currently Browsing: Business & Finance


Top 25 Online Business Tools Used by Entrepreneurs

Smart tools can make all the difference between running a business and running a business efficiently. These tools help entrepreneurs in managing their tasks and projects in an organized manner. With the technology available today, many entrepreneurs successfully run a business with a laptop, good internet connection and an arsenal of some essential powerful business […]

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The Perfect Solution For eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization

It is the process of finding the reason, why your visitors are not making any desired decisions and actions over purchase. So to understand that and fixing this gap conversion rate optimization is being used as one of the strategies. There are numerous methods to increase conversion of an end user but to start the […]

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Pros and Cons of Buying Industrial Properties

Some of the greatest investment opportunities lie in property, whether it is residential, or commercial. But if your main goal is cash flow, and not only capital growth, then you want to opt for commercial, even better, industrial property, since industrial properties are the ones that can offer more financial turnover. It is important to […]

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marketing segmentation strategy

Why do you Need a Marketing Segmentation Strategy?

Put in layman’s terms, marketing segmentation is the breakdown of a wide consumer base into smaller and more specific groups of individuals with the aim of targeting only the crowds most relevant to the business. If you want your brand to succeed, you should treat segmentation just as importantly as you treat sales or software […]

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How to Get a Business Loan from a Bank or Online

How to Get a Business Loan from a Bank or Online

To most people, family and friends are the first people that come to mind whenever the need for funds to run a business arises. But what happens when your folks don’t have the means to support your dream? Well, that’s where bank loans come in handy. Historically, bank loans have been the major source of […]

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Business Skills We Learnt from Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is one female whom you can deem the complete package. She rose to fame with the popular talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show. She had the flare to interview a celebrity or the person next door in an excellent, yet diverse manner, which absolutely boosted her fan base and made her move loveable […]

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SBI Personal Loan EMI Calculator: Measure The Accurate Payable Amount

When you are planning to apply for a personal loan from any bank should know the EMI calculator guidelines. You may be thinking why? See, this device work for your benefits, so that doesn’t need to pay an extra. SBI personal loan EMI calculator can brief you the exact payable amount to the lender. It’s […]

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3 Investment Hacks You Should Learn from Millennials

3 Investment Hacks You Should Learn from Millennials

Investments and time are always an ally of each other. The earlier you start investing, the sooner your investments can grow. Starting and having investments and insurance at the age of 20 might sound very unusual but it could help you secure your future. The better chances of building up wealth and making your way […]

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How to Organize a Successful Company Party

Almost all companies celebrate holidays with a party for their employees and staff. It is an ideal way of gathering all of the employees and showing appreciation for a job well done. But planning a party for the entire company is an exhausting job so here’s a quick guide on how to organize a successful […]

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Your Company’s Secret Strength

Your Company’s Secret Strength

Even experienced entrepreneurs can make mistakes about their companies, and too many people fail to recognise their most important asset: their brand. Your brand is your company’s secret strength – when it’s working, it tells customers that yes, you are the perfect choice for them. When it’s not working, you’re unconsciously turning away people who […]

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